
Ryza’s games were enough for products like that to come out, but the power of anime is really different, isn’t it? This week we released the production of Ryza’s adult film and now they are already producing a Ryza hentai figure.

Dodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai Figure

The Dodomo studio (the same one that a cosplayer complained about wanting credits), has open pre-sales of a figure in which Ryza, with her thighs bigger than ever and her shorts even shorter because she is being attacked by a slime.

Lumajebo o

The figure, at least in the photos, is pretty and Ryza is really scared when she is attacked by that Slime, Ryza, turn around a little so we can see it better.

Dodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai Figure

No Ryza, you have to face the other way, I want to see exactly what that slime is doing to you, even though your thighs are really nice and huge!

Dodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai Figure

Oh, excuse my ignorance, it’s not a slime but a Puni, Puni is the name of this kind of little creature in the world of Atelier, and it seems that Ryza has problems with some Punis.

Dodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai Figure

Dodomo shared attention not only with Ryza’s thighs though.

Dodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai Figure

If you want to buy one of these you have to run, because they will only produce 388 units, at the moment this figure is at a discount, from the normal 90 dollars to 76 on a website with a strange name called ORZGK.

Dodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai Figure

Below the photos closer to her thighs, huge:

Dodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai FigureDodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai Figure

Since this is Dodomo, obviously there is a naked version of this figure, you can take all her clothes off, even Puni and leave her naked:

Dodomo Studio prepares Ryza Hentai Figure