Based on the 2015 manga by author Aiue Oka, Yumemiru Otome is set to receive its 3rd episode on March 28th and we already have preview images of what we can expect from the development of the story.
Beautiful sisters Manaka and Mizuki Miyama study at an all-girls school and live a carefree life. The strict Mizuki is absorbed in her studies, while the cheerful Manaka dreams of a happy relationship and starts dating a handsome teacher. Having trusted him, the girl goes to his house in the hope of having a romantic moment. However, her naive dreams were not destined to come true.
Episode 3 of the Hentai Anime Yumemiru Otome Intensifies in Hypnosis
The story features netorare and hyponosis, if you don’t like those two things, check out the scenes from episode 3 below:
Episode 3 of the hentai anime Yumemiru Otome is being produced by T-Rex.
via Getchu