Man abused 100 Elementary School girls

A 32-year-old man has been arrested for sexually assaulting an elementary school girl in a public park restroom in Edogawa, Tokyo.

Man abused 100 Elementary School girls

According to city police, 32-year-old Masayuki Asami is suspected of having touched the lower body of the middle school girl in that bathroom in May of last year.

He also filmed everything with his smartphone. He was caught by the police and admitted to the crime having said the following: “I recorded under the skirts of elementary school girls in a park at least 100 times”.

The police then went through his cell phone and found about 100 videos of different girls. Below is a video of the report:

Japanese commentators were concerned that he could walk into the bathroom safely and do what he did to the little girls.

Via: NTV News

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