The JAV Industry Made a Movie Parodying the New AV Law

At Did You Know Anime we talked several times about the new AV law, which made it more difficult to release new adult films, caused some actresses to lose some jobs but also brought protection to other actresses.

But for the JAV Industry, not even this law that came to regulate them escapes having its own adult parody!

This film, which is scheduled to be released on January 20th and has the code 1MFO00003, has the following situation as its story:

In the story of this adult movie, an actress ends up canceling the movie at the last moment because of the “new porn law”, (this law gives actresses the power to cancel movies several days in advance), to then cover the actress’ withdrawal , the director’s female assistant takes her place.

A Indústria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV A Indústria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV

A Indústria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV A Indústria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV A Indústria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV

The film, which lasts 139 minutes, does not credit the actresses, in the story she is a girl named Mari who is only 20 years old. The film has 10 assistants who are forced to make the adult film in place of the real actresses who canceled their participation:

A Indústria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV A Indústria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV

A Industria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV 5 A Industria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV 4 A Industria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV 3

A Industria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV 2 A Industria JAV fez um filme Parodiando a Nova Lei do AV 1

Of course, it’s all fake – and we imagine there are actually very few women working in these types of positions in the male-oriented AV industry.

So kudos to the industry in Japan for turning what is generally considered by insiders to be negative change into a source of inspiration (and, let’s be honest, mockery of the law and allegations of coercion). More imaginative answers like this please.

via: Tokyo Kinky